It's only the second week of our new Rotary year, and we've already been extremely busy supporting the needs of our Community. This week alone, we've been able to:
- Source Oral Packs from Colgate, and provide the to Deb from Uniting Care.
- GIVIT donated $550 in KMart gift vouchers so that we could purchase socks and pyjamas
- We received a number of Doonas that we donated
- Acquired a number of slippers which we donated to the Psychiatric Ward and Mercy Hospital
- Society of St Vincent de Paul's provide 60 boxes of jackets (approx 500). We've already donated 200 jackets to Stella Maris to support the merchant sailors from the Philippines and New Guinea
- Prepared over 100 toiletry packs
- Received a Certificate of Appreciation from Uniting Care.